Service locations

Maryland and Delawares Eastern Shore

Looking for a contractor in Maryland or Delaware?

As a local residential and commercial contractor in both Maryland and Delaware, we have the knowledge and expertise to tackle your project. From a new home or complete remodel to installing new flooring or windows, call VF Builders today!

VF Builders Service Areas

Here is a brief list of Maryland and Delaware locations the we offer contracting services to


Easton, Maryland

St. Michaels, Maryland

Cambridge, Maryland

Trappe, Maryland

Kent Island, Maryland

Centreville, Maryland

Oxford, Maryland

Denton, Maryland

Ridgely, Maryland

Greensboro, Maryland

Grasonville, Maryland


Bridgeville, Delaware

Harrington, Delaware

Milford, Delaware

Millsboro, Delaware

Milton, Delaware

Georgetown, Delaware

Dagsboro, Delaware

Frankford, Delaware

Laurel, Delaware

Selbyville, Delaware

Frederica, Delaware

Don’t see your area listed?

Fear not!

Give us a call and we’ll make a special accommodation, or refer you to one of our trusted industry partners.

Need a contractor in Maryland or Delaware?

Look no further than VF Builders.

We offer contracting services all across the Eastern Shore of Maryland and Delaware. Call us today to schedule an estimate.